Thursday, August 27, 2020
Story of Xiao Xiao Essay Example For Students
Story of Xiao Essay â€Å"Child Bridge†System My subject will be the â€Å"child bridge†framework and the conventional rustic life in China toward to the story â€Å"Xiao Xiao†by Sheng Congwen. The story is predominantly about a little youngster, Xiao who goes into the kid connect framework with no decision and confronting the battle between the advanced and conventional Chinese culture. Youngster connect framework was an uncalled for framework that utilization to against ladies and was basic in provincial China. It was an orchestrated marriage which little girl in the poor family would offer to a rich family for monetary help. The girl would wed with a male individual from the rich family who was more youthful than themselves as the spouse and a work. There is no affection between the couple. In rustic China, women’s life was straightforward. They simply need to have a spouse and a decent consideration. Women’s obligation of getting hitched is to conceive an offspring of the family. The exercises of the new spouse was cleaning, clothing, washing garments, cooking and deal with her little husband. In the tale of â€Å"Xiao Xiao†, Sheng Congwen gives a picture of how individuals in provincial China resembles. We will compose a custom paper on Story of Xiao explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now For ladies, they have no force at all and are subject to men a great deal. For instance, when Xiao discovered that she had feeling toward to Motley Mutt, she is dread and she requested that her significant other remain nearer her which she would feel increasingly good. Starting here, we may know how men are critical to ladies. Indeed, even a young man, ladies would likewise have a sense of security close to him. Additionally ladies in country China contain the qualities of blamelessness, naivete, persevering, kind, conventional and uneducated. Xiao is a decent portrayal of the ladies with those qualities. Indeed, even Xiao Xiao’s life loaded up with catastrophe yet she despite everything keeps her a player in guiltless and kind. In the other hand, men in provincial China sees unpleasant, obscene and absence of instruction. We may see that from the manner in which Motley Mutt has discourse with Xiao and the manner in which he lures Xiao. Individuals in rustic China are separating from outside of the world. Sheng Congwen use co-eds to contrast and the ladies in country China. The job of the co-eds is to drive ladies in the provincial town to without wanting to acknowledge the new life, for example, the co-eds. In the story, Sheng Congwen referenced the co-eds as new ladies and they are the image of opportunity. Co-eds can go to class and they can do whatever they like to do such pick their own marriage accomplice. They can lay down with any men who are not their significant other and would not get any difficulty. In the other hand, ladies in rustic China have no opportunity. Their fate had just been foredooming. They never have chance to encounter the way of life as the co-eds, since they were conceived in the customary town. At that point they should keep the standard of the rustic town. Co-eds are just a fantasy for them. However, Sheng Congwen accepts ladies in rustic town have capacity to be co-eds and they very need to be a co-ed. That’s why he referenced the battle between Xiao and co-eds. In the story, Xiao has her capacity to be a co-ed. For instance, she is very enthusiasm on the tale of co-eds. Now and again she will dream herself become a co-ed. When Xiao was pregnant, she chooses to go out and she decides to follow the street of the co-eds. Sheng Congwen’s type of composing is plainly and straight-forward. He portrays a ton of the inclination, thought and feeling toward to the character of Xiao. .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe , .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe .postImageUrl , .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe , .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe:hover , .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe:visited , .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe:active { border:0!important; } .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe:active , .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe:hover { haziness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enhancement: underline; } .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-embellishment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae9 91de5f76fe .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u36c5ee31341022c1a3dae991de5f76fe:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Creation And Evolution EssayHe portrays Xiao Xiao’s feeling very well which ladies in provincial town would confronting. In the first place, Xiao appears to be glad and has no vexation, since she had spouse and family which ladies in country town would have. When Xiao gets on the significance of Motley Mutt’s words and melodies, she is timid and is uncertain how to respond, on the grounds that she doesn’t have any information about sex. When Xiao has intercourse with Motley Mutt and getting pregnant, she isn't disappointment to engaging in sexual relations with Motley Mutt, yet dread her stomach will get greater and greater, so individuals would know it and she will get inconvenience. Sheng Congwen is showing a wide range of issues and circumstances that ladies will look in Chinese society, for example, sex and discipline. In conventional Chinese society, ladies would get discipline on the off chance that they engaged in sexual relations with other man who was not their better half. Indeed, even idea the women’s spouse was a little child, they need to maintain their immaculateness in control to give their significant other when he is growing up. The disciplines are either suffocated by their families or auctions off. Xiao is the most karma one whose infidelity was found and still alive with no discipline. She can conceives an offspring and bring up her child. She can in any case wedded to the kid that she is pledged to and have a glad family. In conventional Chinese society, individuals were following the Confucianism. Chinese ladies needed to comply with the â€Å"three duties and four virtues†as indicated by Confucianism. The three compliances were comply with her dad before marriage, comply with her significant other after marriage and comply with her child after the husband’s passing. The four temperances were respectability in discourse, ethical quality, humble way and determined work. On the off chance that ladies separating both of those laws, she will get discipline, since she disgraced the family. The disciplines of suffocated by families or auctions off were utilizing by those individuals who follow the Confucian standards and frequently use to rebuff the adulteress. Indeed, even there are numerous Confucian standards appear in the narrative of â€Å"Xiao Xiao. †But we may see that Sheng Congwen is to some degree against the Confucian standards. As indicated by the story â€Å"Xiao Xiao,†Sheng Congwen writes,†By rights, she ought to have been suffocated, yet just heads of families who have perused their Confucius would do such a moronic things to spare the family’s respect. In the other word, Sheng Congwen doesn’t concur with Confucian method of managing adulteresses. He thinks the Confucian Principles is coldblooded and dehumanization. It was regularly utilizing by those families considers their name as increasingly significant; they will be indecent if their girl gets the discipline. In the event that the parent adores their little girl, they ought not do it to their girl. That’s why Sheng Congwen didn’t give any discipline to Xiao after her infidelity was found, on the grounds that Sheng Congwen needs the perusers to give individuals possibilities on the off chance that they accomplished something incorrectly and ought not take out people’s life in the remorseless manner. One of the subject that is available in the story â€Å"Xiao Xiao†is the mastery of guys over females. In customary China, men were accountable for everything. Ladies had no capacity to settle on any choice and they have to comply with their husband’s choice. Ladies can just wed once in as long as they can remember. Regardless of whether her better half passed on, she should be a widow and can't remarry. Be that as it may, men were extraordinary; they can have numerous spouses as they like. Individuals might want to have child more than little girl, since they figured girl will be hitched one day and not be their girl any longer. Be that as it may, child was extraordinary, in light of the fact that child would remain with the family, so they could rely upon their child. As per Xiao, her husband’s family let her to remain after the pregnancy is found, since she had a kid. In any case, if Xiao had a young lady, they would have executed her for her infidelity. Another subject is available in the story which individuals in country town against the city individuals. Those two differen
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Providing Feedback and Communicating About Change Assignment
Giving Feedback and Communicating About Change - Assignment Example fectively however circumstances are different and new strategies are required for improving productivity and adequacy of the association and for the headway of your profession. Through statistical surveying and examination and utilizing benchmarks, we have arrived at the resolution that the 360 Degree criticism technique for execution evaluation is extremely powerful in improving execution (Clampitt, 2010, p. 161). This will be utilized close by the executives by targets strategy for your own self-evaluation. The basic episode technique was being thought of however we found that it is out of line to certain workers as it requires the watchfulness of chief who is helpless against predisposition. We in this way picked this strategy as it will likewise be a marker of whether all the partners are satisfied with our administrations and they can likewise make suggestions to us on the best way to improve. This will enable the association to make progress and believability (Dainton and Zelley, 2010). You additionally remain to profit as you will realize how others rate your presentation and you can likewise have the option to improve your aptitudes through the prep aration and advancement we will offer you through this procedure. Besides, you likewise remain to profit at long last through the different rewards, for example, advancement and rewards that will advertised. Through this technique, every single worker will be assessed by various partners including the investors, clients, providers, bosses and your kindred associates. They will round out structures with respect to how they see your exhibition and return toward the finish of consistently. After like clockwork, a gathering will be organized among you and your managers in your particular divisions to survey your exhibition and to perceive how your presentation can be improved (Clampitt, 2010). This will help you to enhance your frail regions and furthermore guarantee that creation necessities are met in time. Those of you who will perform well will be remunerated toward the year's end with whichever sort of remuneration the administration will esteem
Friday, August 21, 2020
What Projects and How to Delegate Them to Virtual Assistant
What Projects and How to Delegate Them to Virtual Assistant Every entrepreneur faces a time in his life where the business tasks become too impossible to be handled by a single hand. The success of every entrepreneur depends on his/her ability to prioritize and therefore at some point it becomes a compulsion to hire a helping hand, which will take care of low priority tasks so that the entrepreneur can handle the high priority work and take the business ahead.Businessmen who try to tackle everything on their own from responding to emails, attending meetings, updating social media profiles to handling clients end up working poorly on all these tasks. Therefore, to enable each task (no matter how small) to be performed well, an entrepreneur must acquaint him/herself with the art of delegation. In such a situation, it is important to know the tasks that need to be delegated to a virtual assistant. © | Syda ProductionsIn this article, we explore 1) what to delegate and 2) how to delegate the projects to virtual assistant.WHAT PROJECTS TO DELEGATE TO VIRTIAL ASSISTANTHiring a virtual assistant to help with business tasks is probably the best decision an entrepreneur or business owner can make. However, after this process is done, most businesses struggle to find out the tasks they should delegate. In such a situation, an entrepreneur should ask himself,“What can I possibly delegate to a virtual assistant?â€Virtual assistant services have become very diverse and, therefore, a VA could assist a business with basic clerical tasks to becoming a direct contributor in the number of sales a business makes. It all depends on the requirements and nature of the business. You can practically find a virtual assistant for any service, no matter how complex it may be in nature.An entrepreneur should know which tasks need to be delegated initially, which tasks to let go of and the systems that need to be put in place for effective delegation. The initial period of delegation can be difficult and can acquire most of an entrepreneur’s time.Here are some basic tasks / projects that an entrepreneur can delegate to the virtual assistant:AdministrationMajority of the entrepreneurs hire VAs to perform basic administrative tasks such as:Managing Emails: Managing emails is time-consuming and does not involve any monetary gains. Therefore, it mostly stands in the way of high priority tasks. Let your VA manage the admin email account along with your personal email account and ask him to you updated on any important news.Handling Contacts: Collecting and maintaining records of contact information is an important business task, which is easy to perform and, therefore, should be delegated to a virtual assistant. Provide your virtual assistant with your shared address book to add up contacts from business cards or sync them digitally over different channels such as phone contact book, Facebook, Skype, etc. Also, ask for at least two backups of all the contacts.Invoicing: This task involves a lot of repetition and hence must be delegated. Let your virtual assistant track, receive and send your business invoices.Travel: Booking tickets and managing travel-related tasks are quite simple but very time-consuming. Let your virtual assistant deal with your ticketing and ask for your itinerary to be synced directly in your mobile phone.Scheduling: Setting up a shared calendar is important so that you can delegate the arrangement, scheduling and management of the calendar. Delegate handling of appointments to your virtual assistant. Have the calendar directly synced to your phone so that whenever your VA confirms a meeting, you can check it instantly.Track Projects: Administrating project deadlines and operations can be a difficult task for busy entrepreneurs. Use a shared project platform to receive status updates in real-time.Travel management: A virtual assistant who is already familiar with your business work environment and your method of running core tasks can take over your complete business administration while you are away on a vacation.Expense management: Organizing receipts and expenses is probably the most hated task of entrepreneurs. Ask your virtual assistant to manage your expenses and save their documents and images via Dropbox.ResearchFrom a simple project related online searches to complex competitor analysis, you can delegate research to your virtual assistant to save a lot of time. Let you virtual assistant conduct research for a new idea, presentation, or meeting. For complex searches, set up white board-sharing online calls for effective two-way communication and collaboration.Proofreading and PreparationVirtual assistants can greatly take up the role of another set of eyes for your business and help you in proofreading of all sorts. Let it be documents or presentations, enable your VA to go through them and correct them for any grammatical errors. Moreover, a virtual assistant can also help you in preparing for any presentations or meetings you have.IT DesignRather than hiring IT Design freelancers to get the business logo developed, entrepreneurs should focus on hiring virtual assistants that deal with design for in-house development. This is both cost effective and efficient for businesses. Let your VA develop logos, graphic spreadsheets, illustrations for your social media profiles, e-book covers, website design and more. A virtual assistant having these capabilities can also be delegated the work of video creation for your YouTube, Google Hangouts, or Vimeo channels. You can always collaborate with your VA throughout the design development process so that you get exactly what you want minus the time wastage.MarketingAfter administrative work, marketing is the second most famous field that gets delegated to virtual assistants. It is creative in nature because it includes work such as community or social media management, marketing research and report development, internet marketing, maintenance and building of email marketing and management of blogs.Entrepreneurs can delegate everything in this field that belongs to marketing let it be management of pay per click ads or responding to users’ comments and feedback to increase user engagement. This is extremely time-consuming and requires a lot of dedication, which is why it is highly recommended to be delegated.HOW TO DELEGATE THE PROJECTS TO VIRTUAL ASSISTANTPrior to task delegation, entrepreneurs need to understand which tasks need to be delegated and why. There are many reasons why a task could be delegated to a virtual assistant, for instance:If the task is repetitive, boring and easy to doIf an entrepreneur has other high priority tasks to focus onIf the task requires a particular skill set to be performedIf the entrepreneur is planning to travel and needs someone to take care of the administrationI f there are too many tasks to be performedBefore an entrepreneur sets out to develop a list of tasks to delegate to a virtual assistant, he/she must track their routine activities for at least a week and then breakdown the activities in the following categories:Critical tasks (business management and planning)Important but routine tasks (bookkeeping, writing reports, attending phone calls and responding to emails)Important but non-critical tasks (file management, data backup)Critical tasks contribute directly to the aims and goals of an entrepreneur, and, therefore, these tasks require the maximum attention and time.There are numerous tasks from the second category that can be effectively delegated to a virtual assistant. These routine tasks are very easy to conduct so you will not need a VA with specific expertise to perform them at their optimal. Moreover, you will not even be stressed about how they are being performed. The tasks belonging to the third category do not require dai ly attention and hence can even be postponed until all the important work is done.It is not a good idea to delegate all the tasks at once. Building a pace is important, so start by delegating tasks that you are finding difficult to deal with, the ones you find boring and those that drain your time or energy to perform critical tasks. For each task that you are about to delegate, you must ask yourself, “What will be my stress level and how much free time will I have if I delegate this task to my VA?Bringing a virtual assistant into practice The on-boarding period of a virtual assistant depends on the type of work a va should do, from one to three weeks. During this time, you should familiarize them with your business, tell them about your work ethic and give them any related or important training.The first thing every entrepreneur should do is to welcome the virtual assistant and make him/her feel like an important part of the team. Write your VA a welcome message or have your init ial video call with them on the first day. This will just ensure that positivity is exchanged before you start delegating important tasks.You need to also clarify all the technology that you use for communication and project management. Some businesses have paid project management systems while majority of the businesses make use of free online project management and communication tools such as Microsoft One Drive, DropBox, Google Drive, Google Hangouts and Skype. Virtual assistants need to be guided by all the technology and how each task should be performed so that they do not keep on asking questions later on.Here are some vital steps and tips that should be followed to ensure that tasks are well delegated:Create lists and provide step by step instructionsPrepare lists for all the tasks that a VA need to perform. You should break them down into daily, weekly, and assorted tasks so that your VA knows when and how often a task needs to be performed. You should also make sure that y our list tells the VA about the priority of each task so that high priority tasks are completed before as compared to the middle or low priority tasks.This information will help the VA to set time for each activity and become more efficient at performing tasks. Similarly, an entrepreneur can use screen-recording software to create videos for the virtual assistant on how tasks need to be performed so that they can use them as reference in the future.Create Shared RecordsEntrepreneurs must create shared records using Google Drive to share information with their VA and to guide them in the tasks that need to be handled. You can incorporate numerous tracking videos and spreadsheets to help your VA in the workflow. Moreover, you can indicate the status of tasks and their priority in these records only. This will keep you updated on when a certain task gets completed or any query that your VA might have. This will enable an entrepreneur to later on assess the work done by the VA. Entrepre neurs should have the link to these records bookmarked on their mobile phone’s browser so that they can easily check the status with ease.Keeping all your payment and password details in some type of a free or paid shared record is also advantageous. Most businesses use Dropbox for this purpose. This should comprise of all the information that you want your virtual assistant to access like your credit card numbers, important login data, addresses, contact information, etc. Similarly, you can ask your VA to back up your contacts from your online accounts and phonebook and save them in the shared folder. Your VA can also save new passwords to this shared folder. This system will provide you with peace of mind, ease, and clarity that will only make your workflow a lot better.Communication is importantMajority of the entrepreneurs fall into the habit of keeping the phone calls or emails with their virtual assistants to minimum, but it should be understood that communication is importa nt in increasing the effectiveness of the workflow and in training the virtual assistant. Technology has made it very easy to maintain communication.If you are working via Skype, you can stay logged in via your smart phone so that you can easily receive calls from your virtual assistant. Similarly, you can enable to receive notifications on your phone anytime you receive an email in your inbox. If you have delegated the task of checking emails to your VA, make sure that you create an email address only meant to stay connected with your VA so that you do not get disturbed by the notifications of other emails. Communication should be particularly maintained in the first month of hiring so that your VA can effectively understand the work and get trained in all different aspects.Follow-upIn the first month, make sure that you ask for daily work updates and recaps to ensure that everything is going fine. This will help you in reviewing the amount of time on different tasks. You should pr ovide feedback to them so that they can improve on the work ethic. For instance, if you think they are spending too much time on one thing or too little time or another, you can guide them and tell them how much time they are supposed to spend on a given task. Constant feedback from your end is required at all times to increase the efficiency of the work and VA training.Encourage and foster good working relationsKeep your VA thoroughly involved in different things that you are working on so that they truly feel like an important part of your business. If the VA respects you and your business, he/she will ensure high-quality work. Moreover, keep on praising them for their good efforts and keep them encouraged for better future work. Also, ask for their suggestions where required.Share Your VisionCommunicate your vision with your VA and help each other to perform tasks optimally. For instance, you can tell your VA about your free timings and ask him/her to notify you about any urgent tasks at those timings. If you have particular goals set for a certain work type such as finance managements or social media, make sure that you communicate those goals with your VA. This will ensure that your VA understands your purpose of hiring them and will also provide them with a goal to reach, which will increase their motivation to work.Build a RapportA good friendly work environment is worth the effort and time when it comes to a virtual assistant. Therefore, if possible, an entrepreneur should take out time to meet the VA in person before getting the work started. For this reason, it is recommended that you hire a VA that belongs to the same city as you, unless you want business operations of a different city to be tackled.Make your communications with the VA very personalized so that they know what kind of a person you are and can respect your business idea. This will foster two-way respect and friendship that will only be beneficial for your work. When you make your VA y our friend, they will go out of the way to promote your business or brand and will make sure to do everything they can do for you advantage.Analyze the strengths of your virtual assistantYou should know the abilities and skills of your VA. Numerous virtual assistants provide general services such as providing customer support, setting reminder and booking flights. However, there are specialized tasks that need certain expertise to be performed. Therefore, if you know the skills of your VA, you will know which tasks you can assign to them without wasting your time and energy in trial and error.
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