Thursday, December 26, 2019
Review of Moneyball - 698 Words
Moneyball Introduction Those who follow Major League Baseball closely were aware of the unconventional way the Oakland As went about re-building a ball club into a winner in 2002, after three superstars left the team as free agents en route to multi-million dollar paydays. Indeed, when Jason Giambi, Johnny Damon and Jason Isringhausen the biggest stars on the 2001 team head for the big bucks, general manager Billy Beane figures out a new way to win. This paper reviews the movie and moreover, what Beane did to change the game. How Baseball was Changed to a Degree Anyway It may be a stretch to say Billy Beanes style of management changed baseball, but Beane did and does, off and on, to this day produce competitive teams based on far different values and on less expensive talent than the typical general manager would seek to acquire. First, it should be said that while this is certainly a baseball movie, it is also a story about an iconoclastic executive (Beane) out to prove some of his employees wrong by innovating a radically different style of management. The scouts who were paid to find the best talent out there the players that could hit for high average, could hit home runs, could throw a ball home on the fly from deep in centerfield, could steal bases and make sensational defensive plays were shocked and angered when Beane changed the usual strategies. What Beane was looking for, and continues to seek today as GM of the As, is players that statistics showsShow MoreRelatedMoneyball Review1975 Words  | 8 Pagesthat the more a team spends on their payroll the more games they will win. With the absence of a salary cap baseball may seam unfair to the smaller market teams who cant bare the salary costs that the larger market teams can. In Michael Lewis Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game Lewis depicts just how the Oakland Athletics have been winning in an unfair game for almost a decade. The As are a small market team that doesnt have nearly the amount of money at their disposal that their competitorsRead MoreAnalysis Of Moneyball The Art Of Winning An Unfair Game By Michael Lewis1624 Words  | 7 Pagescan hold massive budgets and payrolls. During this review, we will discuss and visit aspects of organizational theory such as moral judgment, decision making, risk management, and ethical leadership and how Michael Le wis applied them in his book. I will provide a synopsis of the overall concept of his theory, as well as providing a breakdown of how our concepts of organizational theory relate to this overall process called Moneyball. Summary Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair game by Michael LewisRead MoreCollege Basketball Statistics And Predict The Nba Success Essay1417 Words  | 6 Pagesincreasingly valuable, a NBA franchise has to come up with a better draft strategy to minimize the possibility of making draft mistakes. In this research paper, I will use draft prospects’ college statistics to predict their NBA success. Literature review Unlike NBA that is scarce of academic literature support in the field of draft prediction, MLB has extensive researches in predicting players’ future performance. 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Psychological Science, 24(6), 1024-1030. doi:10.1177/0956797612463706 Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D. P. (1996). Linking the Balanced Scorecard to Strategy. California Management Review, 39(1), 53-79. doi:10.2307/41165876 Lentze, G. (1995). Legal concept of professional sports leagues: The commissioner and an alternative approach from a corporate perspective, The Marquette Sports Law Journal, 6(1), 65-94. Retrieved from http://scholarshipRead MoreThe Performance Of Baseball Data And Analytics2304 Words  | 10 Pagesbaseball data and analytics, and, more specifically, a large growth of interest in a branch of baseball statistics known as sabermetrics. This branch of statistics has been further spurred on by the publication of Moneyball (Lewis, 2003), and even more so by the movie debut of Moneyball in 2011. 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Although previous reviews had been conducted, they had been done so through qualitative assessments, a process which requires respective authors to make judgment calls, thereby introducing the potential for bias into the researchRead MoreSalary Inequality and Performance in Mlb6435 Words  | 26 Pages If this study is able to show that salary inequality has an injurious effect on team performance in MLB, General Managers should work on lowering team payroll inequality in order to promote team chemistry. The remainder of this paper will review past relevant studies to give perspective, explain the theoretical model, define and give expected signs to the variables, explain the data, and analyze the regression results. Past Research: Mark Foley and Fred Smith of Davidson College did
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Financial Ratios Serve An Analytical Purpose - 706 Words
Each of these financial ratios serve an analytical purpose to the financials of a company. The current ratio measures a company’s ability to pay off their obligations. This includes long term and short term. The acid test ratio is an indicator of whether a company has enough short term assets to cover its immediate liabilities. Times interest earned is a ratio that measures a company’s ability to meet all of its debt obligations. Profit margin is expressed as a percentage and measures how much of each dollar of a sales a company will keep in their earnings. Total asset turnover is a ratio that measures the efficiency of the use of resources within a company. It measures the ability to generate sales through the use of the company’s assets. Inventory turnover is a ratio to measure how quickly a company’s inventory is sold. It also measures how effectively investing into inventory is used within the company. Inventory turnover helps figure out if obsolete in ventory is present or if pricing problems exist. Investors can learn about RNA’s financial stability and operating efficiency with the help of these financial ratios. With the use of the current ratio, investors can see that RNA’s has been declining for the past three years. It went from 1.62 to 1.57. Although these numbers are below the industry average for current ratio, the declining numbers is not yet a major concern for the company. This does not mean that the company should not keep an eye on it though. This isShow MoreRelatedAnalytical Procedures – a Powerful Tool for Auditors by David Chow1552 Words  | 7 PagesZone Analytical Procedures – A Powerful Tool for Auditors (Relevant to Paper 8 – Principles of Auditing and Management Information Systems) David Chow FCCA, FCPA, CPA (Practising) Audit tests Auditors normally carry out the following types of audit tests to determine whether financial statements are fairly stated: (i) procedures to obtain an understanding of internal control (ii) tests of controls (iii) substantive tests: †¢ substantive tests of transactions; †¢ analytical procedures;Read MoreSources Of Information That Capital Providers Use For Making Investment Decisions1589 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"increasing complexity and volume of financial statement data†. Financial analysts and potential investors use various analytical techniques to make sense of a company’s financial statements to assess an investments potential. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
7-Eleven Scandal Analysis Click Now To Get Free Solution
Question: Discuss about the 7-Eleven Scandal Analysis. Answer: Introduction The present assignment aims to evaluate and examine the scandal of 7-Eleven in which franchisee underpay their employees in Australia. It includes background, structure, problems and detailed analysis of the allegations made against the company of employee underpayment. Background Structure of Organization 7-Eleven Inc. is an international chain of convenience stores operating in approximately about 18 different countries. The company franchises and licenses about 55,000 stores worldwide and was recognized by the name of The Southland Corporation till the year 1999 The company is known to be the largest operator and franchisor of convenience stores internationally (7Eleven Profile, 2016). 7-Eleven Stores Pty Ltd, has become first choice of Australia in convenience stores. It is private owned company and has obtained franchise of 7-Eleven stores from the US based 7-Eleven Inc (About 7-Eleven Convenience Stores, 2016). Problems Issues 7-Eleven scandal occurred in the franchise convenience stores of Australia which highlighted the unethical practices prevalent in the company. The employees were underpaid and also get threatening from the senior management of the company if they raise their voices against their exploitation. The cash-back scheme of the franchisee forces the employees to pay back their wages (Karp, 2016). The employees were also enforced to stay in the office and work for late night hours. The employees of the company were mainly international students and accordance to their visa can work only for a time period of 20 hours to complete a given work. These students were threatened by the franchisees of breaking the visa regulations if they complain to Fair Work Australia about being underpaid (7-Eleven Scandal an Ethical Failure of Leadership, 2013). The employees were told that they would have to prove their underpayment in the court. The employees who were mainly international students believed in t hem due to lack of knowledge. Also, there were evidences of physical violence with the students and threatening made to their families overseas by the franchisee (Karp, 2016). The main reason for the occurrence of 7-Eleven scandal was unlawful conduct from the franchisee. According to FWOs report, the main factors responsible for the misconduct in the franchisee was absence of auditing and monitoring by the franchisor. The head office of franchise convenience stores in Australia does not pay any attention to employee complaints (Stricter laws for franchisors? Responses to the 7-eleven wage scandal, 2016). The employees working in the franchisees were mainly international students who were threatened and as such were afraid of reporting the misconduct by their employers (Marginson et al., 2010). These all factors were responsible for the underpayment scandal of 7-Eleven. Analysis The Fair Work Ombudsman of Australia after the occurrence of employee underpayment scandal in 7-Eleven has scrutinized the duties of franchisors towards the franchisees. However, according to a franchisee agreement, franchisors and its franchisees are individual parties who are not connected with each other. Franchisors only provide their business model to the franchisee for carrying out its operational activities. Thus, as per the Franchising Code of Conduct, franchisors do not own any responsibility for the franchisees actions towards their employees (Rouse McKavanagh, 2016). The scandal of 7-Eleven has highlighted the importance of introducing changes in the present Franchising code of Conduct so that all franchisees carry out their business in an ethical manner. The franchisors should own a control over the business processes and procedures of the franchisee to restrict them for indulging in any type of unethical practices (7- Eleven, wages and the Franchise Code: The story so f ar, 2016) This can be done by conducting audit of the franchisees on a continuous basis to govern their organizational behavior. The auditing of franchisees on a regular manner would help in the identification of unethical practices prevalent in the organization. Also, strict employment laws should be enforced on the franchisee and also they should be made aware of the serious actions that can be taken against them in case of non-compliance with these laws (Rouse McKavanagh, 2016). The franchisors on identification of misconduct from their franchisee should terminate the franchisee agreement. The Labor Party of Australia are emphasizing on reforming the workplace laws for ensuring employees protection after the occurrence of 7-Eleven scandal. In this context, it is becoming highly important for the franchisors to analyze and examine the legal action that can be taken against them in case of unlawful practices inculcated by their franchisees (Stricter laws for franchisors? Responses to the 7-e leven wage scandal, 2016). As per the recent Coalition laws, franchisors are entrusted with huge responsibility of controlling and reviewing the franchisee business practices in order to ensure that they are in compliance with the workplace laws. The franchisee agreement should clearly state the duties and obligations of the franchisor and the franchisee in order to abide by the recent workplace laws. The disclosure of employee wages should be properly drafted and provided to the franchisee before entering into the franchisee agreement to avoid any discrepancy in future (Stricter laws for franchisors? Responses to the 7-eleven wage scandal, 2016). There was no monitoring and reviewing of employment reports by the franchisor in case of 7-Eleven scandal. This encouraged the employers of the company to underpay their employees and lead to their exploitation. Thus, franchisors should continually monitor and review the wages reports of the employees for ensuring that they are not underpaid. Also, franchisors must d esign a proper communication flow so that employees of the franchisees are able to reach the head office to report any type of issues faced by them. The franchisor should introduce necessary changes in the business structure of the franchisees on the identification of any type of problems encountered by them to pay out the employee wages (Rouse McKavanagh, 2016). Thus, the occurrence of 7-Eleven scandal has emphasized on the need of adoption of a proper regulatory framework to govern a franchisee agreement. The brand image of 7-Eleven Inc was negatively impacted by the employee underpayment fraud and it has to also provide compensation to the underpaid employees. The changes introduced in the Franchising Code of Conduct would also ensure the protection of good will of franchisors in a franchisee agreement. Conclusion Thus, it can be stated after the analysis of 7-Eleven scandal that an organization should carry out its business ethically. The presence of Law of Conduct is necessary in each and every organization to govern its organizational behavior. References 7- Eleven, wages and the Franchise Code: The story so far. (2016). Retrieved August 12, 2016, from 7Eleven Profile. (2016). Retrieved August 12, 2016, from 7-Eleven Scandal an Ethical Failure of Leadership. (2013). Retrieved August 12, 2016, from About 7-Eleven Convenience Stores. (2016). Retrieved August 12, 2016, from Karp, P. (2016). 7-Eleven workers beaten and forced to pay back wages, Senate inquiry hears. Retrieved August 12, 2016, from Marginson, S. et al. (2010). International Student Security. Cambridge University Press. Rouse, P. McKavanagh, L. (2016). What the 7-Eleven Scandal means for Franchisees in Australia. Retrieved August 12, 2016, from Stricter laws for franchisors? Responses to the 7-eleven wage scandal. (2016). Retrieved August 12, 2016, from
Monday, December 2, 2019
Status Of Blacks In The Unites States Essays -
Status Of Blacks In The Unites States Less than Equal The initial Status of Blacks in the Unites States Chanel Frampton Government Period 3 December 18, 2000 Less than Equal The initial status of blacks in the United States ?For much of black America life seems suspended. In the bleakness of filth and of the inner cities our people go through motions of living. On the street corners jobless men still wait, among the garbage and rats children still play. There are some features to the scene City blocks are ravaged by the riot, the bums and blocked buildings, the empty lots still stand like silent witnesses to their futile anger?(Lusane C ,1994, p.135). Historically African American have endured a large amount of economic distress. Exploitation for labor for 400 years brought about turmoil. There was no land for the black people. They were not allowed voting privileges now nor then. There was a lot mind manipulation that took place. Lack of self worth was one of their main concerns. The slave owners made divisions between the black people by favoring light over dark blacks put a wedge between the African community as a whole. Black people were also ousted from the community due to their dark skin and discrimination towards them. ?Black people are weakened by their own distrust and jealousies of each other by our factionalism and feuding(Natanson ,1992, p. 56). Black people today are no better politically, economicly, or socially than they were before despite the numerous efforts that they have made. Problems with social equity existed in the preceding years with African American. More than two blacks were prohibited to congregate at on time because there were laws that hindered it. Also there were Jim Crow laws that were very oppressive to the African American community. Rejection from bathrooms and drinking fountains and restaurants forced blacks to segregate from the community. Schools were also segregated but not equal. This was said to be unconstitutional in the Brown vs Board trial. In the 1960s, African American demanded their own school boards with the power to hire and fire principles and teachers and to construct a curriculum that would be relevant to the special needs and culture of the ghetto youth. This would allow blacks to have a say in the curriculum that was being taught to the children. Police brutality is another main concern in the community. There has been a growing recognition that the law enforcement is particularly crucial in maintaining the status of blac ks in America. Police include the highest proportion of individual racists. In the 1960's African Americans were hosed when protesting the injustices of society. Their demands and peaceful marches were looked upon as uprisings against the government and the police arrested them and used the water hose to stop their cause. Furthermore, a political set back to the African Americans was the grandfather clause that prevented any male whose grandfather could not vote, not to vote either.. Money and ownership of property was the economic tool that allowed for political status ;yet the blacks were neglected the right to own or buy anything thus meaning their voice was nonexistent. Also the government intimidation with strong black political leaders forced them to kill the people that blacks looked up to and respected. Dr King believed that the issue of war and justice are not separate and that we must fight against both. ? For the struggle we rage is not of race alone but of human justice, and we cannot solve the issue of race without dealing with the issue of justice? (Swain C, 1995 ,p 257). Martin Luther King became the example for blacks to watch. He advocated peace and unity yet his beliefs were too much for people to accept. Malcolm X on the other was an extremist he believed in taking action getting re venge on the people who hurt African Americans. His forceful and radical methods were the cause of his assignation. The southern based nonviolent civil right movement died a victim of the US racism which sparked the first urban rebellions in the northern black ghettoes. In present day America the social barriers still exist for many African Americans. African Americans are denied from jobs that they are truly qualified
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