Wednesday, October 30, 2019
See draft Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
See draft - Essay Example The author’s information in this selection is significant, she mentions accurate studies and data, and her argument and way of writing is very clear. On the basis of the book by Friedan this paper will prove that suburban housewives’ emotions with matters in the society and marriage, education and profession, and home duties cause unhappy womanhood. The word â€Å"femininity†is defined in many different meanings and according to the dictionary is â€Å"the quality of being female; womanliness†. The femininity that is discussed in the chapter is that what the majority of women dream about, which is marriage. In other words, how femininity and an old-fashion suburban housewife make us understand the word â€Å"woman†. In the 60’s, marriage takes major part of womanliness. Women are influenced to have early marriage. This idea leads women to ignore every position they could achieve. Friedan proves that early marriage is the main reason behind population increase while young women make career out of marriage duties. â€Å"The women’s magazines, deploring the unhappy statistics about these young marriages, urged that courses on marriage, and marriage counselors, be installed in the high schools†(Friedan 16). According to Friedan women career is limited in the twentieth century. Many women look forward an occupation inside the home. Bearing children and being supportive for their husband, women wanted to have profession. The concern to spend most time at home may harm the society. The author includes the fact of few women having professions. (Friedan 4). If women had the opportunity to work, they perhaps would be able to change the situation. Friedan adds the importance of education. Women’s role as housewives is what makes them unhappy with their education (Friedan 10). Women should gain education since it essential to solve problems people had. Education is important and it must be got to develop one’s profession. It is difficult for women not
Monday, October 28, 2019
People Abused Free
People Abused Freedom of Expression in Using Internet Essay The internet allows people to express and communicate with people around the world. It is not only a way to communicate, to share opinions and perspectives but also a source of information which every person could have an easy access. This information may or may not provide genuine idea for the reason of opinionated ways of expressing thoughts. This actually offers extraordinary opportunities for people who want to articulate an opinion about anything. According to Fisher, they can make their thoughts available world-wide more easily than ever been possible before. And today, the internet is becoming not only a site for people in sharing their thoughts, but also a location to disdain others, and to communicate dreadful messages. The internet also offers greater freedom that it has no exact rules in expressing personal thoughts. This freedom, allow people to be free to say whatever they want, placing an extraordinary priority on their own individual rights, frequently to the disadvantage of the right of other people. As said by Willard (1997), the net is a new frontier that offers a kind of freedom not generally formed in the real world. It is an environment where there is not only greater freedom, but where the laws rules, and social standards are not quite as clear or perhaps not quite as enforceable, as we have come to expect in other areas of our lives. She explains that there are people who maintain that they should have the freedom and right to use the internet in whatever way they choose, without regard for the maltreatment they may impose upon others. The power of the internet has broadened over the years since it has distended to include the internet connected devices. Most of homes, schools and even mobile phones today have already internet connectivity. The penetration of these technologies has become very easy for people to spread information for a short time. However, anyone with an internet connection can harass, embarrass, threat, and humiliate almost anyone else. As described by StopCyberBullying. rg, the act such as the threats of violence, hate speech, harassment, peer pressure, bribery, psychological abuse, and extortion are simple refers to cyber bullying. Furthermore, again pointed out by StopCyberBullying. org, that these offenses are occasionally committed by people impersonating someone else, anonymously, or under the deceptive outward appearance of a group, making accountability and preventability difficult. Since, these people feel they are invisible, because the hostility is not face-to-face. This leads them to say what they want online, that they would not usually say in a person and persecute an individual without a fear of having any outcome or consequences, particularly, when they do it using a secret name. Thus, from time to time, inflicting pain on somebody, gives them a boost in their ego. Another reason as stated by StopCyberBullying. org is revenge. People that are victimized may put into practice cyber bullying out of vengeance to get back others for making them unhappy. They may commence protecting themselves, only to find out that they enjoy being a cyber-bully. Also as indicated, periodically people do it for fun because they are tired and impatient and have too much time on their hands. Several also do it only for laughs to get attention and reaction to other people. These reasons proved that people abused freedom of expression while using internet. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Myspace were becoming weapons. They are being misused by the people to harm anyone.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Sigmund Freud Essay -- Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)      Sigmund Freud was born on May 6, 1856 in Freiberg (now Pribor, Czech Republic). Freud was educated at Vienna University. Then him and his family moved to Leipzig from the anti-Semitic riots. His ambition in his childhood had been a career in law but then he decided to be medical student before he entered to Vienna University in 1873. After this he desire to study natural science and to solve challenging problems that confronted contemporary scientist. In his three year at Vienna University Freud began his research in central nervous system in the physiological lab under the direction of German Physician Ernst Wilhelm Von Brucke. In 1881 after completing a year compulsory military service he receive his medical degree. After he received his degree he remained at the university as a demonstrator in the physiological laboratory. Freud spent three years at the General Hospital of Vienna devoting himself to psychiatry, dermatology, and nervous disease. In 1885 after appointed as lecturer in neuropathology at the university he decided to leave his post in the hospital. Later that same year Freud studies under Jean Charcot in which centered largely on hysteria, influenced Freud greatly in channeling his interest to psychopathology. Freud than established a private practice in Vienna specializing in nervous disease.      In 1891, Freud’s first published work, On Aphasia, it was the study of neurological disorder in which the ability to pronounce words or to name common objects is lost as a result of organic brain disease. His final work in neurology was an article, â€Å"Infantile Cerebral Paralysis†, was written in 1897 for an encyclopedia. His consecutive writing were devoted entirely to that field, which he had named psychoanalysis in 1896. Sigmund Freud developed the technique of psychoanalysis and much of the psychoanalytic theory based on its application. The first of Freud's innovations was his recognition of unconscious psychiatric processes that follow laws different from those that govern conscious experience. A basic assumption of Freudian theory is that the unconscious conflicts involve instinctual impulses, or drives, that originate in childhood. His work concerning the structure and the functioning of the human mind had far-reaching significance, both practically and scientifically, and it continues to influence... alone in what he termed â€Å"splendid isolation.†After the onset of World War I Freud devoted little time to clinical observation and concentrated on the application of his theories to the interpretation of religion, mythology, art, and literature. In 1923 he was stricken with cancer of the jaw, which necessitated constant, painful treatment in addition to many surgical operations. Despite his physical suffering he continued his literary activity for the next 16 years, writing mostly on cultural and philosophical problems. When the Germans occupied Austria in 1938, Freud, a Jew, was persuaded by friends to escape with his family to England. Then he died in London on September 23, 1939. Sigmund Freud created an entirely new approach to the understanding of human personality by his demonstration of the existence and force of the unconscious. In addition, he founded a new medical discipline and formulated basic therapeutic procedures that in modified form are applied widely in the present-day treatment of neuroses and psychoses. Although never accorded full recognition during his lifetime, Freud is generally acknowledged as one of the great creative minds of modern times.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Mobile Phone Usage Essay
* In the last year, smartphone usage has increased significantly from 33% of Indian cell phone users in March 2011 to 48% in March * 2012. Results from this research also show that the year-over-year growth in the use of smartphones is seen universally across all age groups. * Nearly half of cell phone users have a data plan with their mobile phone (47%), up from 37% in March 2011. * Tablet ownership among cell phone users has quadrupled, increasing from 5% in 2011 to 20% in 2012. Three-quarters of these tablet owners have a tablet connected to a cellular network. About one in ten mobile phone owners showed interest in receiving coupons from retailers (10%) in exchange for receiving ads on their device and 10% would be interested in receiving apps or exclusive content in exchange for receiving ads on their phone. * One fifth of mobile phone users (18%) have sent or received a text message from an organization in the past, similar to what was observed in 2011 (20%). Introduction Mobile telephones have become an integral part of life for many consumers worldwide as well as playing an important role in driving the economy in many countries. In the future, the mobile phone market in developing countries is forecast to grow strongly whilst in the developed world, business opportunities will arise from the deployment of next generation technologies. How fast has mobile phone usage spread across the world? The global spread of mobile phones has been faster than any other information technology:The number of mobile phone subscriptions worldwide rose from 1. 0 billion in 2001 to 5. 1 billion in 2010; The mobile phone penetration rate – the proportion of the population with a mobile phone subscription – rose globally from 15. 6% in 2001 to 74. % in 2010. The mobile phone penetration rate is expected to rise to 100. 6% globally by 2020; Most of the growth has come from the developing world where the penetration rate was below the global average at 68. 3% in 2010. The total number of mobile phone subscriptions in emerging and developing countries rose from 0. 4 billion to 4. 0 billion during 2001-2010. In comparison, in the developed world where the mobile market is reaching saturation with 112. 7 subscriptions per 100 people in 2010, the number of mobile phone subscriptions grew at a much slower pace, from 0. 6 billion to 1. billion over the same period; China is home to the world’s largest number of mobile phone subscriptions, with 839 million subscriptions in 2010. It is followed by India with 611 million mobile phone subscribers in 2010; From a luxury product used primarily in developed countries, mobile telephony has become universally available and an integral part of life for many consumers. How do poorer countries benefit from mobile telephony? Mobile telephony has transformed life for many consumers in the developing world: Mobile phones help improve the livelihood of the poor through better communications and greater access to information. Many poor farmers are now able to receive better prices for their crops because they have access to information on market prices, primarily via mobile phones. TradeNet, a Ghana-based trading platform, is one such example, allowing farmers to access prices and offers from traders by mobile phone; Mobile phones have also spawned a wealth of micro-enterprises, offering work to people with little education and few resources, such as selling airtime and repairing or refurbishing handsets. In Bangladesh, for example, with micro-credit from the Grameen Bank, over 100,000 Bangladeshi women have set up mobile phone exchanges in villages where there are few if any landlines, and earned their living as â€Å"Grameen phone ladies†. Such village phone schemes have subsequently spread from Bangladesh to Uganda, Rwanda and many other poor communities; Mobile phones have helped consumers to bridge the digital divide between regions in many developing countries. This is thanks to wireless technologies that enable the consumer to use mobile phones for better communications and Internet access without the need of a PC and cable connection; China and India are the two largest mobile phone markets amongst developing countries, and indeed in the world. However, similar to other developing countries, the mobile phone penetration rates in China and India remain relatively low, at 62. 8% of the population and 51. 6% respectively in 2010, leaving a significant potential for growth. What are the prospects of the global mobile market? The developing world – particularly major emerging economies – will continue to drive growth of the global mobile phone market. This is due to their large population, low penetration rates and rising disposable incomes, although the true growth potential depends also on government policies to help liberalise the market and enhance competition among network providers: During 2011-2020, the number of mobile subscriptions in Africa and the Middle East is forecast to grow at an average rate of 5. % per year, compared to the global average of 3. 7%. However, the expected growth in Africa and the Middle East is from a relatively low base: in 2010, the mobile penetration rate in Africa stood at 56. 5% of the population; Asia Pacific will continue to be the largest regional mobile phone market, with 3. 9 billion subscriptions in 2020 (up from 2. 4 billion in 2010). China will continue to be home to the world’s largest number of mobile phone subscriptions, with 1. 3 billion subscribers in 2020 (up from 839 million in 2010). However, India – currently the world’s second largest mobile phone market – will have significant growth potential not only in Asia Pacific but globally, with the number of mobile phone subscriptions forecast to grow at an average annual rate of 5. 7% during 2011-2020, to reach 1. 1 billion in 2020; Meanwhile, in the developed world, the development and commercial deployment of next-generation technologies and devices will increase usage of advanced mobile services, which in turn will open up many new business opportunities and drive revenue growth.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Instilling Safety Awareness in Children
Name : Lim Xiao Pei Class : 4S1 IC No. : 971022-08-5976 Topic : Instilling Safety Awareness In Children Theme : Social Issues Children are innocent. They don’t have a clear idea of what a bad person might look like. They probably think someone with a moustache and ugly or evil facial expression is a bad person. The children do not think that women and kind-looking elderly men may be the bad person. The best people to teach children about personal safety are their parents.In view of the mounting number of crimes involving young children,parents must think about how they can protect their children from the danger that lurk around them. First of all,children need to know about their neighbours and living area. Parents should tell their children where they can visit when parents are not around. It will be great if boundaries are set outlining the areas that they can go to. If your children are invited by friends and neighbours to areas beyond the set boundaries,tell them that they should first check with you before venturing out.Then,remind your child to look out for the strangers hanging around frequently. Teach them to be aware of people who go round chatting up little kids or strangers cruising the neighbourhood. Parents must make sure that their children are aware of safety measures to take with regards to strangers,before allowing them to venture out on their own. Children should be told that if they feel uncomfortable when a stranger approaches them,they should run away without any hesitation. They should also be taught to say â€Å"No†and to shout for help when necessary.Parents should also be cautious in allowing their children to go out by themselves to meet friends at public places. Though it may be tiresome,parents should accompany their children if they need to wait for their friends. If possible,parents can pick up their friends and send them to their destination too. Furthermore,parents must always be sure where their children at all ti mes. They should make sure that their children do not accept any gifts or invitations from any strangers. Besides,parents must realize that potential dangers involving child abuse and sexual assault lurk in places where children spend most of their time.Thus,parents should teach their children the ways to protect themselves. If possible,parents can send their children to learn martial arts too. Parents must be approachable to their children. When a child confesses to wrongdoing,find out the facts of the case before punishing them. Do not forget to give them a chance to explain and see how you can help them to solve the problem. If parents are unapproachable to children,they will bias to strangers who treat them very nice. The time has came for the community to work together to prevent crimes in our neighbourhood.Creating a safe neighbourhood is everyone’s responsibility. When we help to keep all the children safe,we are protecting our own family too. *This is very important a s children are still young and cannot detect the approaching of danger. For example,the six-year-old child,William Yau Zhen Zhong was left with his siblings,Eric and Cindy in his parents’ car as they went to a shop. He apparently got out of the car to look for his parents when Cindy started crying. He was reported missing after that. Nine days later,his body was found in a river.
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